BarneyJeffBoat.jpg (98388 bytes)
Jeff and Barney just hanging out
TommyFishing.jpg (95542 bytes)
Tommy trying to catch something
FouadFishing.jpg (101927 bytes)
Fouad Fishing???
ParentsCabin.jpg (133830 bytes)
The homestead...
BoatShot.jpg (123156 bytes)
Why is the boat way down there?
LakeShot.jpg (95518 bytes)
Are they catching fish?
JeffCooking.jpg (78422 bytes)
Jeff cooking???
CharlieShoreLunch.jpg (133241 bytes)
Trying to go for a shore lunch...
TakingAWalk.jpg (1595137 bytes)
A little exercise...
TakingAWalk2.jpg (1480228 bytes)
A little more exercise
TommyandBoat.jpg (1396926 bytes)
Tommy on top of the world
OverlookingLake.jpg (1392943 bytes)
A look out at the lake
BackSunlight.jpg (1488642 bytes)
An image comes out of the woods telling us where to fish
BarneyList.jpg (1135632 bytes)
Mr. A-R making another list
JeffFouadKitchen.jpg (1169325 bytes)
Jeff and Fouad cooking???
TommySmiling.jpg (1342577 bytes)
The cat that caught the canary
FishHouse1.jpg (90197 bytes)
We caught fish!!!
FishHouse2.jpg (90303 bytes)
Fouad cleaning fish???
FishHouse3.jpg (83076 bytes)
These guys look happy
LakeShot2.jpg (86000 bytes)
Jeff and Barney in the other boat
OffTheDockLeft.jpg (73881 bytes)
Looking off of the dock to the left
OffTheDockRight.jpg (61781 bytes)
Looking off of the dock to the right
CharlieBoatProblem.jpg (108577 bytes)
Just lick the will work
CharlieUnhappy.jpg (87227 bytes)
Still not happy about boat problems
FogOnLake.jpg (60696 bytes)
A fog falls over the lake
FouadLeaving.jpg (108528 bytes)
Fouad the day we left
TommyFog.jpg (94551 bytes)
Tommy the day we left
JeffFog.jpg (69220 bytes)
Jeff in a fog...
FouadFishing2.jpg (96140 bytes)
Is that a place kicker?
FouadBoat1.jpg (102116 bytes)
Relaxing in the boat
FouadJeffFishing.jpg (94629 bytes)
Nice net job!
JeffFishing2.jpg (80295 bytes)
Serious Fisherman!!!
JeffFishing3.jpg (83472 bytes)
Still very serious!!!
GroupWithFish.jpg (104858 bytes)
Success comes to those who wait